Saturday, July 26, 2014

(07/26/2014) Good Intentions?

Divine judgment, self-justification, and sin are topics, today.  Also, there is more on being asked to carry the cross (i.e., that believers willingly respond to duty, law, and service).  A “Yahoo! Answers” fighter using the ID “Evol” (Level 1 with 11 points, a member since June 12, 2014) posted the following:

If you sin with good intentions doesn't that beat the whole idea of the unholiness of sin?

If you kill with the intention to save more lives. Or just to experience a spiritual special event; or to stop some greater evil to happen. Would that still be unholy? The intention is good so it's all good.

THE BATTLE AXE:  Asked to Carry the Cross? (07/25/2014)—(5.)  Rightly understood, new life for the Christian believer is one of accepting permanent change and transformation that come by sacred operations of GOD.  The same Spirit that worked to establish the heaven and earth as spheres of life, also is active in baptism (death of ones inborn spirit, rebirth from divine DNA, so to speak), divine forbearance, forgiveness, repentance, resurrection, and sanctification.  Acknowledging that nothing is impossible for GOD (Luke 1:  37, KJV), the believer gradually acquires the understanding, I can do all things—the things approved and commanded by GOD; the things giving glory, gratitude, honor, humility, love and respect toward GOD; and the things in line with redemption and salvation—through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:  13, KJV).  While there is no “pat on the back,” payday or immediate divine reward to believers for their obedience to the example of Jesus, as they continue in fellowship with seasoned workers, expand their sacred knowledge by regular study of the holy writings, humble themselves sincerely in prayer, or unselfishly share of themselves with those in need, believers are made bold, certain, confident, and sure of their acceptance in judgment through Jesus Christ.  Simply put, the more one gives to the people and purposes of GOD, the more one is given.  See Luke 6:  26-38 and  1st Peter 4:  9-19, KJV.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight:  but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.  (Hebrews 4:  12-13, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Immortality (02/08/2014); The Male, the Female, and GOD (02/09/2014); Sin in Mind not Deed? (01/06/2014); Resisting Sin (12/21/2013); When People Covet (12/22/2013); We Are Still Sinning? (11/30/2013); Like a Thief? (12/01/2013)

“Evol”, here are a few points to consider:

(1.)  The full process of divine judgment examines attitudes, actions, conduct, lasting effects (we say, consequences), and motives as appearances and indications of the spirit makeup from GOD that resides within created beings and living creatures.  Also, there are requirements and standards for balance as well as for completeness and stability.

(2.)  Sin itself is not a living thing, an emotional/mental process like fear, imagination and thought, an object having measurable dimensions (as do energy, matter and particles), or a spirit put forth by GOD.  Yet, sin may dominate awareness and self-will in created beings and living creatures.  Sin opposes the continued existence of divine authority, of sacred law as well as of order and the Creation established through law.

(3.)  “Good intentions” are often appealed to within the human process of self-justification.  However, as with other finite tools such as intellect, logic, mathematics, philosophy, and science, the operation of intent is not enough to correctly detect, eliminate, or resist sin.

There is far more to be said, correctly understood, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, (4.)  By simple obedience to divine law, mankind would have escaped the damage that comes by sin.  However, sin always operates as if a legitimate aspect of ones own being.  The law must be internalized for it to reveal that sin is contrary to ones own nature, and opposes ones continued existence as something foreign, strange, and from outside ones true self.  Given that the will of GOD is not subject to sin; by receiving a fresh endowment of Spirit from GOD, mankind is more well equipped to discern and respond to the challenges of sin.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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