Saturday, September 27, 2014

(09/27/2014) Healing is By Relationship?

Healing, divine intent, prayer and fellowship with GOD are topics, today.  Also, there is more on racism that appears through church attendance.  A “Yahoo! Answers” fighter using ID “A B” (Level 5 with 9,106 points, a member since May 03, 2012) posted the following:

Religion and spirituality, why would God need prayers to decide to heal or do good?

If I see a child dying of ebola and it lies in my power to instantly cure it, I will unhesitatingly do it, without need to be prompted by someone else. But why does God need to be asked to do good and end suffering? Why prayer?

THE BATTLE AXE:  One Faith, One Lord? (09/26/2014)—(5.)  Most Christian believers abandon racist thinking when they see it cancels, interferes with, and directly opposes multiple doctrines and teachings from GOD.  For example, Christians are to embrace accountability, duty, and shared responsibility as custodians and spokespersons for Christ through the same imparted Spirit of power and wisdom from the time of Adam that was deposited in believers of the early church at Pentecost.  Inseparable aspects of divinity identify all those belonging to the kingdom of GOD.  Included are faith, forbearance, forgiveness, holiness, humility, innocence, joy, longsuffering, lovingkindness, wrath against sin, and zeal.  Often racist behavior within the church is no less than defiance, envy, fear of exposure of ones weaknesses, lack of respect that results from issues of self-esteem, rebellion, rejection of divine law, and denial that divine authority may be exercised through or invested within others.

(6.)  Through Jesus Christ many accept an identity and inheritance as spiritual Jews.  It is a common error that Catholicism and Judaism are only for whites, just as many believe that Islam is only for people of color, and for blacks.  Because of bias, ignorance and prejudice many are unaware of African bishops, nuns, cardinals and congregations among Catholics as well as Spain and Portugal-based (Hispanic or Sephardic) Jews, Chinese, and Ethiopian Jews.  There also are records of the Marranos and black Moorish Jews (Maghrib, Sudan and Iberian Pennisula).  The Black Hebrew Israelites and similar organizations promoting Black Judaism have existed mainly in the United States among African Americans as early as 1886.  Since 1969, Black Hebrews have migrated to Israel, however, they did not attain legal status until 1990.  To many of us, this is curious and a sign of racism, for historically, Gentile converts and proselytes have appeared among the Jews from the time that Moses as a prophet to the Hebrews left Egypt followed by a “mixed multitude” who also entered into covenant with the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.    In many cases, the “high visibility” absence of ethnic and racial diversity within neighborhood churches and assemblies have been the result of separation and survival mechanisms required for those experiencing migration from the rural South to cities, and immigration to America from Europe.  Often, the effect of culture shock, disappointments and limitations for housing, income, and job opportunities have amplified distrust, fear, and the sense that cultural heritage is threatened with destruction.  As concern for maintaining the original customs, practices and traditions within communities becomes heightened, there are repeated efforts to restate and preserve fundamental principles, and to refresh (we say, revive) the elements of worship.  In addition to government policies of discrimination and segregation, there have been unseen patterns for inclusion within communities that have a controlling influence upon church attendance along with the social and spiritual growth of believers.  Included have been continuing to support extended families, problems from using dialects and language acquisition, maintaining small businesses and property ownership as well as the peculiar challenges to youth and to the aged.  Consider again Galatians 3:  27-29, Psalm 75:  5-7, Luke 13:  28-30, Colossians 3:  1-17 and Revelation 7:  9-10, KJV.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.  Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain:  and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.  And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.  (James 5:  13-18, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  What GOD Demands (05/10/2014); The Body of Moses (05/11/2014); “Prayer Death”? (02/21/2014); The 2nd Prayer Death (02/22/2014); Why Christians Pray for Others (01/12/2014); GOD is Jesus? (01/13/2014); Naaman the Leper (12/21/2012); Did Jesus Know? (12/22/2012); When Prayer Works (10/11/2012);  Double Standard? (10/12/2012)

“A B”, here are a few points to consider that are useful to the followers of Jesus Christ:

(1.)  Start with this:  GOD does not know you in an intimate sense, just as you do not know GOD until a peculiar level of communication and shared experience are in effect.  Without change, cleansing, growth, you are another material object among millions, who lack godly quality, or divine substance that would fit you to be an eternal companion to the Most High.

(2.)  By the grace and divine prerogative demonstrated through Jesus Christ, you are being “called” and welcomed into new aspects of reality (they have been there all the time) where permanent changes are being made to your spirit content, how you function, and your ways of operating.  On the basis of intercessions by Christ as well as divine intent and eternal purposes, spiritual gifts and benefits are being provided to you from GOD.

(3.)  In part, GOD maintains distance and separation from created beings and living creatures in order to limit distractions and interruption of sacred operations, and to establish clear and inarguable authority.  Also, the infirmity of the living requires distance from the awesome presence of GOD.  In the same way divine law is provided to identify sin, and reveal the righteousness of GOD, law (we may say, rules, divine order, discipline) is a form of protection that is essential to right relationship.

Of course, there is far more to be said, correctly understood, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, (4.)  Life experience for mankind has been established by GOD as a “mechanical process” having fixed cycles, patterns and sequences.  However, disease and illness regularly appear through operations of finite human will, and as a consequence of men rejecting the divine frameworks, willfully violating the laws for health.  As surely as many deny the social order, men then seek to reverse the natural order.  The transformation of mankind to live as immortal and incorruptible requires multiple sacred processes.  Included are birth, death, atonement, forgiveness, resurrection, sacrifice, and sanctification.  While evil (calamity, catastrophe, upheaval) is a divine tool to reveal the active presence of GOD, many refuse to come to GOD for healing because they know they will have to fulfill their duty to GOD as their Creator.  Healing comes by relationship, not cures, elixirs, and medicines.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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