Thursday, September 10, 2015

(09/10/2015) Convicted By His Humility

Today, I continue to share personal thoughts on the transformation of awareness, frame, and purpose that occur as spiritual growth.  Personal testimonies of sacred events are not given for ones private amusement; and once truth has been bestowed or imparted, those who accept it are compelled also to share it.  However, the difficulty of preaching and speaking the truth well is not to be taken lightly; (so to speak) you can not separate the wet from the water, yet, the one who speaks must rightly divide.  For a few days, now, I have been in correspondence with believers in Brussels, Belgium.  In responding to a comment (actually, a full Web-site presentation, Why We Do Not Keep To A Sabbath Or A Sunday Or Lord’s Day #6 Sunday Or The Lord’s Day Posted on September 7, 2015 at sent to me in reply to my blog, (08/20/2015) Authority, Dispensation and Unity, I stated that, my Sabbath-keeping is on the basis of my faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ who is titled, Lord of the Sabbath.  When cautioned that, keeping the Sabbath law obliges a believer to the whole law, such that failing to obey in one point, a believer becomes accountable and guilty as having broken all the law, I made a brief reference to my personal testimony of having seen Jesus Christ, and that it was not through my keeping the law that this sacred event had occurred.  The following exchange was posted:

Free Christadelphians:  Belgian Ecclesia Brussel - Leuven

You write “He is alive, and I have seen him.”
For sure Jesus did really die and was taken out of the dead after three days. At that time several people got to see him but today would surprise us. Where and when would you have seen Jesus?

Michael Andrew Williams

Within the framework of eternal life and spirit, when and where become irrelevant. It seems like moments ago, however, I refer to an experience just outside of Philadelphia, PA, here in the United States, more than 30 years ago. Following the example of Paul, I decline to boast, or dwell upon revelations. Besides, one hardly knows what to say, time and circumstance being no true teachers.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:  (2 Corinthians 3:  12, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Recounting Past Sins? (03/04/2015); Not A Matter Of Opinion? (04/24/2014); What Faith Makes Possible (04/25/2014); Miracles and Visitations? (03/03/2014); All Lying Forbidden? (03/04/2014); Miracles are Sacred Events (12/20/2013); Resisting Sin (12/21/2013); Experience Is Not Evidence? (05/05/2013); Church Mandatory? (05/06/2013)

“Leuven”, I have been continuing to reflect upon my earlier response to your questions regarding my personal testimony.  I feel I have been curt, and short with you.  I do not usually share details of my personal testimony, for such things are easily misinterpreted.  They work like miracles, that often will trigger spiritual confusion, overwhelm the imagination, and generate uncertainty and fear, rather than nourish faith.  Hearers are to agree, the substance of the event is not I, but Christ.  Nonetheless, by way of apology for any rudeness, and edification for the body in Jesus’ name, I am willing to share the following points:

(1.)  Sacred events (we say, miracles) and divine visitations do not answer all our questions with finality so much as they energize and redirect our consciousness; confirm our faith; amplify the place of inquiry as a platform for our interactions with divinity; and further call forth gratitude and humility as aspects of new relationship.  Consider again the experience of Daniel, answered twice by Gabriel with sacred knowledge, yet, having only the comprehension of one Christ might call “a little child.”

(2.)  Because of ones personal testimony they may operate with greater confidence and holy boldness, however, there are disciplines and restraints that also must be in place.  Presumption is to be avoided.  Thus, just as we see David anointed by Samuel to be king over Israel, and having to wait 40 years (a generation) to receive the crown, those “born again” or receiving spiritual gifts today, also must endure growth, preparation and testing.

(3.)  Given I am able to see that my peculiar experiences of sacred truth conform to examples, guidelines, and standards that appear in the holy writings—yet, have not been on the basis of commitment through old covenants and law—my present response to the things from GOD revealed in Christ are not solely upon the basis of carnal, material and social features; religious ceremonies, customs, rituals and traditions; or the demands of congregations, denominations, and institutions.

(4.)  To ask when? and where? seeking archeological exactness and precision for sacred events (the scientific method!) should be held as specious.  Ask what day or hour David struck Goliath with a stone; it does not matter.  Ask, as did the youngsters incarcerated in a juvenile facility when I shared my testimony, What color was he!  Ask as did a teacher from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, what was he wearing?  The sacred substance of the event is what, first, must be discerned, then, applied.

(5.)  On the one hand, sacred events are unforgettable, and have a continuing freshness as though they occurred just moment ago.  On the other hand, they are not retained through the mechanisms of knowledge, intellect, recall and self-will.  The events of sacred testimony appear and operate as further revelation, and eternal substance from divinity. 

(6.)  For those who accept that their eternal life has already begun, and may only be interrupted by the sleep of death for a brief period, applying the frameworks of time and space now are altered.  The blood from the cross is flowing over the barricades reared up as ages, lives, and nations through the medium of sacred truth that is intangible, invisible and unseen, yet, actual, concrete and real.

There are many other points that should be carefully considered, correctly understood, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example:  (7.)  In my experience of seeing Jesus, I was unsure how to proceed; so I held back, with the idea, he would speak, and lead in such a way as to tell me what to do, and how to reply.  However, as I stood waiting for him to speak, I began to think on his carrying the cross for me and other sinners; and my mind’s eye saw him fall under its weight.  Just as I realized that a tear had begun to stream down my face, he spoke, asking, Why are you crying?  I was staggered!  Surely he knew my very thoughts; surely, he had seen sinners weep repeatedly!  I cautioned myself, again:  He is not “playing” with your mind.  He expects you to answer.  Answer now, or be forced to answer later in final judgment before the entire universe.  I did the instant replay in my thoughts, and began to examine every detail of what he had said, his manner, its tone and texture.  His posture was regal and imperial, yet, instead of, Get on your knees, you’re a sinner!, he had spoken to me with tender concern.  I saw no grimace, frown or scowl.  I could hear no disdain, disrespect, or rejection in his voice.  More than this, I could feel virtue flowing from him, physically touching me.  It was this, an experience of his humility, that has convicted me, and prompts me to proclaim, He lives!  Where you have not seen him for yourself, get ready to see him.  For the promise is that every eye will see, and every tongue confess.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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