Monday, August 24, 2015

(08/24/2015) The Mistakes In Youth?

Today, focus is upon errors of young people when becoming sexually active,  fornication, holy matrimony, and salvation.  Rather than obedience to law, the foundation for right relationship as marriage partners is the same as that for salvation in partnership with divinity:  There must be mutual acceptance, love, and sacrifice (i.e., willingness to give, yield, or suffer).  On the one hand, nothing (particularly happiness) is guaranteed.  On the other hand, one may expect the continuing presence of one who is sharing in the intimate details of life process that are challenge, growth, and coming into perfection.  Where men demand humility in women, they often forget that their own humility must set the standard, and they must lead.  Grace Blessed with Maria Odey who participate with me in THE BIBLE STUDY GROUP (a Public Group on Facebook presently having 19,139 members), invited discussion by sharing a presentation that included the following at about 12:15pm on August 23, 2015:


Sex is an important element in marriage and until there is sexual intercourse between a husband and a wife, the marriage is not yet spiritually recognised. This shows how important sex is in marriage.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.  Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets.  Let them be only thine own, and not strangers’ with thee.  Let thy fountain be blessed:  and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.  And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?  For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.  His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.  He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.  (Proverbs 5:  15-23, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  GOD and Adultery? (06/11/2014); A Hardened Spirit? (06/12/2014); The Male, the Female, and GOD (02/09/2014); Destroying the Resurrected Body? (02/10/2014); Traditional Marriage? (12/18/2013); GOD Enjoys Judgment? (12/19/2013); A Life Companion? (11/07/2012); On Asking Why (11/08/2012)

Be encouraged!  For marriage to be exalted or lifted from a simple joining of flesh to flesh, the equality in marriage must be understood as established by our shared standing before GOD:  All have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD; all must be in humility before the judgment seat of Christ; and all stand in need of the divine covering provided through Christ.  Marriage partners are to be life companions who help one another meet the good, the bad and the ugly together—including the trials or sufferings that are endured as salvation.  She is always to be seen and treated as the beloved of the Lord, and he is always to be encouraged and respected as a joint-heir with the Savior.

Increasingly, young people are becoming sexually active with the idea that no knowledge or preparation is needed, and that there are no benefits to waiting for marriage.  Sexual appetite exists as part of our makeup from birth, and steadily grows as our bodies and minds are aged.  In the same way we must learn to curb, delay and selectively answer hunger and thirst, we absolutely must master sex within.  Often, in our view as young people, we believe we need no instruction—because it’s normal and “nature”, one may “figure it out,” and intuition can be your guide.  However, it remains that, human sexuality has long been a tool of the Adversary, because sexual joining involves many subtleties (i.e., barely visible differences; hidden shifts in meaning and value).  A sex act, no matter how simple (e.g., holding hands, caressing (we say, hugging, stroking), kissing (a form of oral sex) ), occurs on multiple levels of life experience and is a carnal, emotional, physical, and spiritual act all at the same time.  As a result, there is often confusion, imbalance, and unhappiness.

Fornication is the joining of spirits that occurs through sexual activity.  In marriage, the two become one flesh, while GOD is the other.  To maintain relationship, the collection of spirits must be in harmony with law, love, and righteous purpose.  Where we repeatedly err in modern society is that we join ourselves to unknown and unseen persons through sex with a partner we know.  Where we join to someone as their 7th partner, we connect as 8 different spirits that may be in conflict and disharmony, and that will strive for mastery against our own, inborn spirit.  Where we, ourselves have had 10 partners (do the math…) 19 different spirits will be within that pair of would be lovers.  The inborn spirit of each lover is outnumbered 18 to 1.  On the one hand, a person may experience a peculiar sense of increase and strength, at first; and later may become unexplainably depressed, disillusioned, and weakened.  Again, as a result, there is often confusion, imbalance, and unhappiness. 

There is no such thing as “casual sex,” and there should be no such thing as “casual marriage.”  Thus, men are warned, whores do not love; and women are told, you engage a pimp at your own risk.  There can be no sacred marriage (we say, holy matrimony) that denies Christ a place of respect in the thoughts, feelings, and shared home.  Where a man or a woman has erred in their youth exploiting, or exploring their own sexuality (and that of others), there can be repentance with newness of life through baptism, and rebirth.  Then, a man once known as a male prostitute or player, and a woman once known as a sex-worker and a whore should only be called a believer, a saint, and one who is saved.

There is far more that could be said, and that must be correctly understood and spiritually taken into account.  (For example, only GOD may break the permanent bonds that are intended by divinity to result through sexual joining.  Until released by the ministries of Christ that include exorcism, that rid a person of demons and unclean spirits, the errors in our youth continue to have effect throughout our lives.  This can include intimacy through adultery, pre-marital sex, and group sex (some say, gang-rape).  As the tool of GOD, sexual activity is always to benefit, cleanse, heal, and promote life.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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