Friday, October 10, 2014

(10/10/2014) All Who Read Convert?

Today, points are shared on salvation as a work by the imparted Spirit of GOD, and why readers often are not converted or saved by only studying the Bible.  The writer at “Yahoo! Answers Canada” using the ID “prayasmangurung” (Level 1 with 248 points, a member since September 18, 2014) posted the following:

Why do some religious people think that everyone who reads the Bible will become a Christian and convert to their religion by reading Bible?

No disrespect to anyone but a year ago a Christian man gave me the Bible and he said I know you will become a Christian he seemed full of himself and over confident that I will actually become religious by reading some Bible?

I've read the Bible and I didn't convert it was a shock to him. And I thought that the Bible is more a fictional book mixed with supernatural stories of God and childish genesis stuff for example?

Adam and eve stuff I don't believe that humans were first here on earth since dinosaur's were definitely here for longer about 64 million years ago.

and Noahs ark of the flood was real wouldn't there be grand canyons all over the world and middle east where The flood took place?

Why do some Christians give you the Bible and they think they know you will convert when I didn't I find the Bible is nonsense that constantly contradicts itself and Bible stories all lies!!

THE BATTLE AXE:  Made in the Image of GOD? (10/09/2014)—(5.)  Men and women are said to be made in the image of GOD when they continuously acknowledge sacred law, divine order, and spiritual standards for their relationship as sons and daughters to GOD.  Believers in GOD through Jesus Christ are accounted as those who receive the same spirit content that was revealed through GOD appearing incarnate as a son of Adam.  Those who demonstrate response to the influence of divine will within their ongoing routines for life are seen as vessels filled with divine content, who therefore depict and portray aspects of GOD within their own expressions of character and personality.

(6.)  The apprehension of GOD is not through mechanical processes for the flesh that occur as vision.  Human eyes do not detect spirit.  By hearing, created beings and living creatures are to secure awareness of spirit content, the active presence of divinity (we say, acts, events, occurrences), sacred knowledge and discernment, rather than on the basis of carnal, material and social routines that center upon appetite (e.g., hunger, thirst, cravings for sexual contact), sensation (e.g., hearing, seeing, tasting, touching), or emotional/mental functioning (e.g., anger, desire, dreams, fear, imagination, instinct, recall).  GOD is a spirit who exists without dimension (features that are measurable).  GOD is to be known by fundamental truths imparted and revealed by GOD himself.  Thus, GOD may only exist within ones consciousness in conformity to specific principles of truth, and upon a foundation generated by divine substance.  Consider again Exodus 33:  13-23, Romans 8:  8-10 and 8:  28-30, Romans 10:  8-18, Romans 12:  1-3, Philippians 3:  7-14 and 1st Corinthians 3:  11-20, KJV.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.  (2nd Timothy 3:  16-17, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Faith Comes By Hearing? (09/03/2014); Stories Repeated in the Bible? (08/30/2014); Why Similar Accounts (08/31/2014); Why Bother to Read? (10/31/2013); GOD Speaking Through Songs? (11/01/2013); Was Jesus Literate? (10/04/2013); Everything a Lie? (10/05/2013); Sacrificed and Risen? (10/06/2013); “Soul” Food? (12/06/2012); About Conversion (09/03/2012); By Grace (09/04/2012)

“prayasmangurung”, here are a few points that will help set you apart from the childish people who think they may save themselves from the wrath of GOD against sin by reading a book, and not also receiving the imparted Spirit of divinity:

(1.)  Many read the Bible with the intent of attacking all religious belief, displaying their finite intelligence as superior to that of others, and defying those they perceive as seeking to have authority in their life (including Christ and Almighty GOD).  Because such persons operate in ignorance of sacred purposes, and are blinded by pride, they fail to see that the Scriptures are comprehensive, organic, and systematic.  The holy writings convey aspects of the same spirit content that was imparted to Adam as the breath of life, and are correctly received and understood as no less than the content and makeup of eternal divinity (e.g., faith, holiness, joy, longsuffering, love, righteousness, wisdom).

(2.)  Those who prayerfully and respectfully engage the Scriptures also develop discipline, insight, emotional and psychological strength as well as discernment (ability to use their own spirit content from the makeup of GOD to recognize and respond to the sacred spirit as it appears in such life experiences as events, objects, other persons, prophecy, and writings).  Thus, instead of contempt, spiritual confusion and disbelief, mature Christians consistently show forbearance, forgiveness, hope and supportiveness.

There is far more to be said, correctly understood, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, (3.)  The process of becoming a Christian requires multiple operations carried out by the Spirit of GOD that occur through fellowship among believers, practice of sacraments such as baptism and confession, and regular study.  Salvation is not the outcome of human self-will.  It is not that all who read the Bible are converted; it is that all who read are permanently changed, and even sealed, so that they may not change again.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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