Friday, May 9, 2014

(05/09/2014) A “Good” Verse?

Today, points are shared for Christians who want to minister support to friends and those needing encouragement.  Also, there is more on the dead and pain.  A writer at “Yahoo! Answers” using ID “Adrianne Hurst” (Level 2 with 359 points, a member since August 18, 2011) posted the following:

What is a good verse from the bible? 

I had this random guy on fb.... not even my friend .... post saying " I can't go on anymore." No likes not a single comment I look at his profile and he looks as if he has no friends. I would like to give him a good verse from the bible. And show him that there is A God who loves him. Any ideas?

THE BATTLE AXE:  On Death and Pain (05/08/2014)—(6.)  It is through operations of the Holy Spirit that readers and students of the Scriptures understand, many statements that appear are conditional, and serve as warnings.  This is also true regarding prophecy.  Thus, unlike correction and punishment, admonition, forbearance, forgiveness, and warning are not always properly recognized as aspects of judgment.  An example of this is seen with the words of Jesus in Luke 12:  4-5, KJV, that command believers to “fear him” (i.e., show proper respect to the one having authority and sovereignty), not to “fear hell” (death, dying, pain, torment).  Such Scriptures as Mark 10:  43-48, KJV, that speak in terms of eternal fire that shall not be quenched also declare there will be no intervention by divinity to terminate the burning that is judgment.  The reference is not to “common fire” used in the earth among mankind for cooking, for light, and for warmth.  Sacred fire that may separate divine matter from profane must come into view.  Even so, the operation and process of holy fire is completed and “put out” once everything that feeds the fire has been consumed.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.  (Proverbs 26:  17, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Behold What Manner of Love (02/28/2014); Why Christians Pray for Others (01/12/2014); GOD is Jesus? (01/13/2014); Asked to Help? (12/11/2013); Prayer on Behalf of Others? (11/25/2013); Those Who Never Heard? (06/07/2013); If You Are Sent…? (06/08/2013)

“Adrianne Hurst”, here are a few points Christian believers have to keep in mind as they minister to others:

(1.)  Often, the most effective Scriptures for you to use when assisting and healing others are the ones that come from your heart.  There should be a oneness, and unity for your personal truth with the truth recorded in Scripture.  Saying this another way, the truth you share should not introduce conflict.  Share only the things that are “heartfelt”, and that somewhat describe your own acceptance, commitment, desire, and understanding.

(2.)  The holy writings, in fact, are to continue divine law, sacred operations, and the eternal purposes of GOD.  For that reason, they repeatedly fail when used as poetry, “pretty words,” and statements to express ones own sentiment.  The message from a Hallmark card could be more in line with what you intend.

(3.)  Divine love is expressed throughout the Scriptures in terms of sacred events and spiritual operations.  Thus, in place of affection, emotion, and feeling the love of GOD appears in such aspects of experience as admonition, atonement, birth, death, forgiveness, unselfish service, and suffering.

(4.)  Those who choose to get involved in the serious problems of others also must accept accountability when their intervention causes things to become worse.  Anger, bitterness, and self-destructiveness may be increased.  The helper may be blamed, and condemned for both their good intentions, and their good works.  More than this, because there is no “up front” agreement one should not expect payment.  Similarly, neither should the helper expect thanks.

There is a lot more to be said, correctly understood, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, (5.)  Nowadays, many make the mistake of presuming upon others by “getting into” their heads, analyzing and writing prescriptions for their emotional and psychological health, trying to guess and predict their next action.  Most have done no study or training that addresses professional standards, and that make it possible for caretakers to not become confused, depressed and sick themselves.  Therefore, such amateurs are in danger, and can be dangerous; and may do more harm than good.  Unasked for explanations are called excuses; unasked for help is called meddling.  The best remedy for many who are meeting life struggles can be that other persons keep their distance, and maintain their silence.  The message of divine love must be discovered, come from, and be received through the divine Spirit.  The things of GOD are not accomplished so much by intellect, logic, reason, and science, as by faith, holiness, righteousness, and truth.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

And this is love, that we walk after his commandments.  This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.  (2nd John 6:  6, KJV)

Washington, DC

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