Wednesday, January 22, 2014

(10/16/2010) Known by GOD?

Rejection, judgment, and denial by Jesus comes under consideration, today.  The writer “hopeof kingdom”  at “Yahoo! Answers” posted the following:

Christians: Jesus, speaking prophetically, said "I never knew you." Why would this be?

This is looking forward to the time when he returns and separates the sheep from the goats.

THE BATTLE AXE:  Why Clothing? (10/15/2010)—The use of clothing began with mankind’s use of leaves as aprons.  Through a perversion [i.e., turning away from truth; applying sacred objects and truths to profane, and secular purpose], the pair associated themselves with trees rather than animals or created beings, and sought to be covered and hidden through “rootedness” [i.e., inactivity, silence, stillness].  In place of leaves, GOD supplied Adam and Eve with a physical covering of sheepskin through the sacrifice of a living creature that still held its sacred content in innocence, a lamb.  The pair also required a “covering” for their minds.  Thus, the divinely prepared clothing was to serve as a memorial to the lamb that was slain, and a prophetic foreshadowing of Christ, the Messiah.  Thereafter, each time they looked on one another the pair was to be reminded of (1) the difference from their former status, (2) the difference in their accountability as female and male, and (3) that the divine person is revealed in judgment, just as GOD would see the blood and spirit-covering of Jesus eternally when looking upon the believers among fallen mankind.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Who can understand his errors?  cleanse thou me from secret faults.  Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.  Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.  (Psalm 19:  12-14)

*THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Two Wisdoms? (10/12/2010); Judgment Now? (10/06/2010); Holy Guidance? (08/24/2010); The Antichrist (07/17/2010)

Be encouraged as you consider the following:

Presumption is acting with unfounded confidence; assuming authority or privilege without concession or consent by others; taking to oneself the identity and  resources of another without permission (i.e., stealing).  The statement, “I never knew you,” is made in sacred judgment to those who presume upon GOD, and the servants of GOD.  Believers are admonished, cautioned, and exhorted [i.e., further energized to be alert; roused to action; urged on] by this statement.  The wicked, the unrighteous, and all unbelievers, are condemned and consigned to perdition, the second death, by this statement.

To be known of GOD is not the same as knowing about GOD.  Having information to describe divine acts, divine attributes, divine intent, or divine names is not the same as containing divine substance that would allow one to be recognized in sacred judgment as having proceeded forth from GOD.  The Scripture speaks to this point in many ways, including the language that says men must receive the mark of GOD, be sealed in their spirit, and be covered by the blood of the Lamb.

There is far more to be said, correctly understood, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, “I never knew you” also rebukes the Antichrist, any imitation Messiah or counterfeits, every pretender, and all false prophets.  Such are not anointed, certified, empowered, endowed or endorsed of GOD.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC


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