Wednesday, December 18, 2013

(11/15/2012) Thoughts Upon A Warrior’s Fall

     General Petraeus, issues of leadership, and standards for sound government are considered, today.  Also, there is more on mockers and scoffers.  A “Yahoo! Answers” writer using the ID “Joe Sch” (Level 1 with 231 points,  a member since July 17, 2011) posted the following:

Who cares that General Petraeus had an affair...why is that news?

I get that cheating on one's spouse is bad, but why is it big news and why did he resign? It happens every day by a large portion of our society. I'm not making light of adultery, only asking why it is relevant to his position and why it is of public interest.
And no, I don't believe that the type of character necessary to remain faithful to a spouse is necessary to be a government or military official.

THE BATTLE AXE:  Mockers in the Last Days (11/14/2012)—Many regard the increased appearance of mockers and scoffers as more than continued human error.  They realize an indication that the world is exhausting its opportunity for recovery by GOD that was granted through the birth, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.  While the prophecies of mockers contained within the holy writings address challenges to Jesus as Messiah, the many proclamations of the gospel, and his sacred work of salvation, the scriptures also describe a widespread condition of open cynicism, distrust, skepticism, and unbelief.  The scriptures and every basis for knowledge from GOD are opposed, including what may be regarded as the final and ultimate gift, the active presence and operation of the imparted, indwelling spirit from GOD, the Holy Ghost.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
(Proverbs 25:  28, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Marriage and Civil Law (08/14/2012); Apostasy Forgiven? (08/15/2012); Jesus Our “Advocate” (08/16/2012); Wrong To Love (08/17/2012); A Sin To Question? (02/17/2012); Why Religion, Anyhow? (02/18/2012); Dispatch 11:  Peace (Hand in Hand) 08/19/2011; Conspiracy? (12/08/2010)

     The issues that must be addressed by those in government always include the maintenance of sound definitions and standards for balance, continuity, consistency, decision-making, efficiency, leadership, vision, and trust.  Among the elements that introduce weakness and that promote instability that results in collapse are such “natural” realities as ambition, anger, appetite, eccentricity, dishonor, fear, guilt, immaturity, injustice, violence, and lies. 
     Only through fundamental agreements and consensus put forth as law may any truly diverse population accomplish a minimal order that displays solidarity and unity.  Many incorrectly describe law as impersonal, inflexible and unfeeling.  However, law must be impartial, righteous, unimpeachable, and universal.

     Just as those who lead must acknowledge those by whom they are led, those who govern must acknowledge whereby they themselves are governed.  In societies that foster an illusion of equality, rejection of leadership is usually rife and widespread.  Defiance and rebellion against hierarchy are counted as vital to individuality and maturity.  True anarchy is an ideal that entails the perfection of mankind whereby conflict never occurs, or is instantly and agreeably removed.  In cultures where celebrities, elected officials, public figures and prominent persons repeatedly come under the scrutiny of those who lack talent, are undereducated, are unskilled, and “out of the loop,” there is also an illusion of oneself being invulnerable to slander, irreproachable, safe, secure, and untouchable.

     There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, the enduring accomplishments of leaders demand discipline, focus, sacrifice and self-denial.  Opposition encountered by those who lead often include aspects of their own personality.  Included are envy, pride, secrecy, and stubbornness.  For leaders and those in positions of trust, a self-destructive pattern of behavior and conduct that contradicts their most solemn word, and overturns their private lives, indicates a level of massive internal break-down.  They are become erratic, unpredictable, unreliable and whipped.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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