Sunday, June 2, 2013

(06/02/2013) Putting GOD First?

The “wisdom” of attributing primacy to GOD is the topic, today. Also, there is more on heaven and the place of GOD. The “Yahoo! Answers” writer using ID “© Secular Humanist Pacifist ©” (Level 2 with 261 points, a member since May 3, 2010) posted the following:

Do you think there is more wisdom in putting others before ”your” religions god/s?

I put your in quotes since not everyone has a religion.

Additional Details

Truth is different to all humans, so there is no direct truth that exists except that ”everything changes”.

Victoria, your quote from a primitive culture has no relation to the question.

I disagree Witness, everything does change, you just don’t want your gods to change, you probably don’t even know what your god really looks like these days.

THE BATTLE AXE: The Place of GOD? (06/01/2013)—(6) The Tabernacle prepared upon the earth by Moses and, later, the Temple erected by Solomon were respected as a physical dwelling place and “house of GOD” that was to be in the midst of his covenant people, and to be surrounded by those in priestly service to GOD upon the earth. These man-made and temporary structures are spoken of as copies of things that exist upon a firmament, and platform of celestial presence not visible to mankind, yet, having identity, integrity, process, and substance. (7) Created beings and living creatures are to exist as receptacles and vessels containing divinity. The “breath of life,” “the spark of life,” and the “soul” are language to describe aspects of the divine make-up and person that establish mankind as having being and existence. This further permits the language that says, by their own choice, men themselves are to be a “spiritual house of GOD.” (8) A holy city (the New Jerusalem) now being created by GOD through Jesus Christ is to become the eternal place of divinity, and will exist upon the earth after the conclusion of “final judgment.” Once fully transformed and supplied with the divine nature, mankind will exist as immortal and incorruptible. Because divinity will co-exist with created beings and living creatures that are independent, yet, in unity with the divine, there will be no Temple, and worship will again be transformed. Even so, GOD will continue as exalted, supreme, and to be acknowledged by all who are righteous. (See Isaiah 66: 1-3, 1st Peter 2: 1-5, and Revelation 21: 1-27,  King James Version.)

THE GOLDEN ARROW: Sing unto the LORD, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation. Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvellous works among all nations. For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the people are idols: but the LORD made the heavens. Glory and honour are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place. Give unto the LORD, ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth. (1st Chronicles 16: 23-31, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: Illusion? (04/25/2013); Wanting To Have Our Way (03/09/2013); Believing Everything? (11/23/2012); The Fear of GOD (10/30/2012); The Spirit is Willing (10/20/2012); Spirit Matter (10/21/2012); Caesarea Philippi (10/22/2012); Binder 17: Awake to Righteousness (10/14/2011)

Here are some points to consider that agree with teachings from the Bible, and are in line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian belief:

(1) Belief systems that acknowledge divine being also call into awareness differences existing among the abilities, attributes, character and nature of all living creatures.

(2) Where a divine person is understood to have put forth created beings and living creatures (along with the context and sphere of their existence) a peculiar definition of “power” is established that goes beyond such finite human displays realized through deceit, emotion, forces of nature (e.g., floods, lightening, storms), lying, money, murder, passion, peer and social pressure, use of weapons, and violence.

(3) Awareness and acknowledgment of Divine Person as possessed of unique power, made up of substance that is in boundless supply, set apart and not readily detectable by human organs for sensation (hearing, seeing, touching, etc.) is in the nature of innate intelligence, and the continuous operation of sentient being (i.e., the capacity to knowing and be known) that are essential for communication among the living. More to be called “common sense” than “wisdom”, the knowing we speak of, here, does not derive from years of analysis, experience and study. Even so, awareness of the holy and invisible is not by animal instinct, argument, fantasy, imagination, intuition, logic, persuasion, or reason.

(4) Mature self-awareness, and an in-depth consciousness of human potential naturally establishes the primacy of GOD. This especially comes into appreciation as a multifaceted operation of GOD (i.e., revelation) whereby created beings and living creatures “discover” their own divine content; their possibilities for change, growth and transformation; their sacred purposes; and their dependence upon other actors having personness who remain unseen, yet are not just impersonal forces and mechanisms.

There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, (5) Sin that opposes consciousness of GOD may dominate self-will in created beings and living creatures. Sin is not created by GOD, contains no divine substance, and cannot influence divine will. Sin is no material having physical dimension, yet sin has direction, effect and presence. Where sin overwhelms the divine nature imparted to mankind, sin is obeyed and reverenced as a false god or idol.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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