Monday, April 1, 2013

(04/01/2013) A Family Affair?

      The divine meaning and use of family is the topic, today, along with more on resurrection of the body. A “Yahoo! Answers” writer using the ID “A British Atheist” (Level 5 with 7,479 points, a member since April 26, 2012) posted the following:

Christians, why are you not protecting these family values?

We hear of so many Christians claiming “Marriage is a god given union for man and woman”. Yet for some reason you seem to miss out a few other family values that God has given.

Let’s take a look at them:

Deu 21:10-13 States men are allowed to take beautiful women from war and marry them.

Deu:15-17 Describes how to handle more than one wife in a marriage.

Deu 25: States a wife must marry her husband’s brother in law if her husband dies.

Now so many of you are going to claim that these are the rules of the old testament. However Jesus clearly states they still apply in Mathew 5:17

So Christians, why do you continue to cherry pick your family values? Also, why are you not defending these family values?

Additional Details

@mopar Mike: I am not condoning anything. I just do not know why Christians are not defending these God given values?

THE BATTLE AXE: Suddenly Absent, Suddenly Present (03/31/2013)—(7.) The form for mankind that we call “the body” may exist apart from the divinely given spirit (e.g., at funerals). In the same way, the divinely given spirit may exist apart from the body, and at the completion of mortality, the spirit returns to GOD who gave it (Ecclesiastes 8: 8, 9: 5-6, and 12: 7, KJV). (8.) Conjunction of body and spirit results in the living soul (Genesis 2: 7, KVJ). Each living soul displays unique patterns of consciousness, emotion, and thought that establish its being as person. Person does not exist apart from the living soul. The spirit of the wicked may return to GOD at their death, however, their person does not exist again until resurrection of the wicked for judgment (Proverbs 18: 5, Matthew 13: 47-50 and Revelation 20: 11-15, KJV). (9. ) Thus, for the righteous, resurrection of the body pertains to eternal life, for a perfected spirit must reside within a perfected body. Through the perfected spirit, the perfected person of the righteous also will contain the fullness of divine law. It is in this sense that resurrected believers and those written in the Lamb’s book of life will replace the Temple in the heavens. (See 1st Corinthians 6: 19 and 15: 51-55; also Revelation 21: 1-27, KJV.) (10.) For mankind, the resurrection of the body pertains to the inclusion of glory in the makeup of human person. This is demonstrated by both the resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus displaying the fullness of all divine glory (Matthew 25: 31, Luke 9: 25-27, 2nd Thessalonians 2: 13-14 and 2nd Timothy 2: 10-13, KJV).

THE GOLDEN ARROW: Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6: 6-10, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: Saved in Childbearing? (10/31/2012); After the Rapture? (11/01/2012); Double Standard? (10/12/2012); Family and Romance (10/13/2012); Why Courage? (10/14/2012); Parental Duty? (10/08/2012); The Gender of Angels? (10/09/2012); Grandchildren? (03/23/2011); A To Do List (03/24/2011); For The Young (01/24/2011); Responsibility? (01/25/2011); Teen Believers? (10/07/2010)

      The answers from an American who is a mature Christian believer, will probably be totally foreign to you, for they come out of faith and extensive spiritual experience in what you might call “the real world.” Without help from Christ, you won’t understand a word. Even so, please consider the following points:

(1.) The institution known among modern men as “family” is not the creation of GOD, and has been developed as an aspect of the World system. Unlike divine creations such as the earth and humanity, The World is the creation of mankind, and is a set of interconnected devices and meanings to exchange resources, and ensure survival.

(2.) The World supplies definitions and values to preserve human life. Included are such labels as beautiful/ugly, fair/unfair, false/true, good/bad, hip/square, holy/unholy, intelligent/stupid, right/wrong, righteous/unrighteous, real/unreal and scientific/unscientific.

(3.) The Flesh (i.e., appetite such as hunger, thirst, sexual cravings; sense such as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting; and mental functions such as desire, fantasy, imagination, recall) also supplies labels and values as does the Devil (i.e., created beings and living creatures that oppose the sovereignty of GOD), and as does GOD.

(4.) The Gospel of Jesus Christ centers in the transformation of mankind through such divine process as birth, death, judgment, re-birth, repentance, revelation, resurrection and sanctification. Born again through divine DNA, so to speak, believers are “new creatures” (called “the children of God,” “saints” or “sons and daughters of GOD”). Born-again, these must mature again, endure “growing pains,” and continue in a process being perfected through the spirit of GOD.

(5.) Relationships (including covenants and priesthood) and law among mankind are shown to develop, and progress in the Old Testament by displaying thousands of lives over thousands of years. Adam and Eve were a single person before GOD, and were used as an instrument to people the earth. Reproduction among their offspring was not incest or in violation of divine law.

(6.) For mature Christian believers, both marriage and divorce are emblems (badges, representations) of divine authority (What GOD has joined together, let no man put asunder.). The contract for marriage is in force until mortality is completed; thus, death appears as a divine instrument applied for dissolving the divine spiritual union.

      There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, (7.) spiritual affiliation and relationships for the people of GOD in Christ are by the imparted, indwelling spirit from GOD, called the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and the Spirit of Truth. Often, ones carnal, material and social family, friends, spouses, etc. have no part in their new life from GOD. See Luke 14: 25-27, KJV.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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