Monday, November 12, 2012

(11/12/2012) Attending Church?

     The value of church attendance, and more on the way of GOD being mysterious are topics, today. The “Yahoo! Answers” writer using the ID “Victoria” (Level 2 with 309 points, a member since September 25, 2012) posted the following:

What is the point of worshipping God in a church, Is it to make him happy?

or to satisfy the worshippers? Do worshippers gain pleasure from singing about God?

THE BATTLE AXE: Why “Mysterious” (11/11/2012)—Mystery and the hiding of truth is the exact opposite of revelation. Even so, the acquisition of sacred knowledge proceeds through operations within the believer that are carried out by the Spirit of GOD. In the same way a child learns to say “mama” and “dada”, or becomes able to recite the alphabet in English, yet still is unable to read and write, Christian believers hear the Gospel preached, must internalize its truth, correctly apply the doctrines and law in living situations, and also combine and reconfigure their own spirit content to bear fruit as godly patterns for praise, prayer, service, and worship.

THE GOLDEN ARROW: The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 29: 29, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: The Gender of Angels? (10/09/2012); Parental Duty? (10/08/2012); Does GOD Need Worship? (03/23/2012); The Place For Prayer (01/17/2012); Why We Do…and Don’t (01/18/2012); Binder 19: Commitment By Believers (10/16/2011); Confess? Yes! (02/20/2011)

      Because what I am about to share with you is intended for those mature believers who participate in an understanding of salvation through a new covenant from Almighty GOD in Jesus Christ, there may be many points that are new and strange for you. Even so, receive this answer as “a beginning” toward coming into fuller truth:

      The church founded by Jesus is more than a political or social institution that permits men to have contact and exchange as allies, competitors, comrades, and rivals. Like the Bible and other holy writings that detail, explain and illustrate spiritual concepts, church attendance establishes a shared “vocabulary of experience” whereby believers may clearly communicate to one another regarding the invisible, yet, manifest things of GOD. Along with believers and the Scriptures, the institution of the church is an evidence of things unseen, and constitutes a divine presence in the earth.

      The church is more than a laboratory or tool for divine experiments upon mankind. The church is a living, spiritual body, and as such must learn, grow and mature, and is not limited by death, space or time. In the same way sexual joining for reproduction is a joining of spirit content for mortal beings, the assembling together of believers and those who serve Christ is a joining of their spirit content with that of all believers who ever lived upon the earth as well as with that of the heavenly host and the sacred GODhead.

      There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, the church serves mankind nourishing ones human spirit during the transformation from consistently operating through an animal nature to continuous operation having divine nature. The church is being used to maintain divine order and sacred law that not only applies to the earth; it embraces the entire universe.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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