Thursday, November 29, 2012

(11/29/2012) Given the Cloud of Witnesses

     Faith, miracles, and the persistence of unbelief regarding the resurrection of Jesus are shared, today, along with more on the Savior as the “Son of Man.” A “Yahoo! Answers” contributor using the ID “Ford” (Level with points, a member since December 17, 2007) posted the following:

Christians: If many witnessed Christ's resurrection in scripture, then why do many still not believe?

THE BATTLE AXE: Son of Man (11/28/2012)—The peculiar duty of a son and firstborn heir is not merely to carry on the family business, or the family name (i.e., reputation) after the decease of ones father. While ones parents are yet alive, all their offspring are divinely charged to enrich the lives and relationships of everyone within the family, grow, learn, obey, continually show respect, and mature as believers in sacred truth. When the firstborn son receives inheritance of goods, property and substance from their departed father, a double portion is provided because he is the one that must complete the “unfinished business” from his father. In addition to supervising burial of ones parent, this may include canceling and collecting debts; completing assignments; fulfilling contracts, covenants, pledges and promises; and providing suitable memorials of the deceased. More than this, the son is to answer the challenges that derive from the father’s errors and sins. Rightly understood, it is an heir’s duty to apologize, correct and restore. Thereby the heir gives his father a new reputation performing service or sharing in his name, and establishing for the deceased things whereby he may be remembered as one righteous. Thus we see Solomon as son of David building a Temple at Jerusalem; and Jesus as son of Adam building a church in the earth patterned after the Temple in the heavens.

THE GOLDEN ARROW: Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. (Hebrews 12: 1-3, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: Thoughts on Faith and Miracles (01/25/2012); Sin Against The Spirit (01/26/2012); Why “Mysterious” (11/11/2012); Attending Church? (11/12/2012); Life and Death (09/26/2012); The Gospel not Logical? (09/16/2012); Unwelcome Gifts? (09/17/2012); The Divine Tool of Death (08/11/2012); Is That All It Takes? (03/18/2012)

     As a mature believer in Jesus Christ being an appearance of Almighty GOD among mankind (called Incarnation), my answer to your question about why there has been widespread disbelief in the resurrection of Jesus speaks to the divinity of faith. In the same way huge crowds were present when Jesus performed various miracles, yet all did not accept him as Messiah or as the Promised One sent from GOD, only those prepared beforehand as apostles and disciples were granted the necessary endowment from GOD that permits one to operate as a witness of sacred process. Faith is not always an outcome or product of miracles. Even though miracles conform to specific divine laws, men are easily confused through the seeming contradiction by miracles of laws controlling nature. As a result, miracles also may generate doubt, fear, hysteria, madness and exaggerated self-focus. Miracles are of greatest value as products of spiritual commitment, obedience and faith.

     Faith is itself a spirit substance, and is inseparable from such aspects of divine person as holiness, humility, joy, longsuffering, righteousness, truth, wisdom, and wrath against sin. Through the operation of sin, corruption afflicts created beings and living creatures altering and reducing the focus and power of their original endowment from GOD that was provided at Creation. The ministry of Jesus Christ, first upon the earth and now from the heavens, permits those who submit their consciousness to GOD to receive death, re-birth and new life through operations of the Holy Spirit. Spoken of as the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Prophecy, the imparted, indwelling Spirit is also described as the mind of Christ.

     There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, for mankind, here, in the natural world, the flesh easily dominates our existence, and determines our awareness of good/bad, right/wrong, true/false. Included as the flesh are appetite (e.g., hunger, thirst, sexual cravings), sense (e.g., hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, touching) and mind (e.g., desire, emotion, imagination, recall). Without the endowments from GOD, the spirit aspects of our make up as human beings cannot truly be comprehended and displayed through the flesh.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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