Tuesday, September 4, 2012

(09/04/2012) By Grace

     The idea of being “at the complete mercy of GOD” is considered, along with more about conversion from atheism and other religions.  The “Yahoo! Answers” using the ID “Abdul Jabbar” (Level 2 with 392 points, a member since August 29, 2012) posted the following:

(For those who have faith in God) I just realised how we r at the complete mercy of God...?
I mean, let's say it's Judgement Day, if God so wanted, He could put all the righteous, believing men and women into Hell and put Satan in Paradise. I mean, what can YOU do? Who can u complain to? NO ONE. So, when I thought of this I just felt scared and awed, we never really think deeply about this. But God says he is Merciful and Jisy is we believe. Allahu akbar!

THE BATTLE AXE:  About Conversion (09/03/2012)—Rightly understood, what a person would say and do to assist an atheist through the transformations in becoming a Christian is no different than how they would behave to assist a minor child, a teenager, a newly married couple, or a warrior coming home from the military.  While the sacred content of doctrine and teaching must be essentially the same so far as clarity and completeness, a broad array of lessons must be shared that vary according to such features as focus, length, materials, pacing, plainness, scope, style, technique, tone, simplicity, wording, and vividness.  For most Christian believers, the conversion experience—the “aha!” moment—is one of quiet acceptance that the Gospel preached to them, in fact, is true.  This may occur during meditation and reflection, during prayer, or as one is in praise and song.  There may be no divine encounter or miraculous event as testified by the Apostle Paul.  Instead, the new believer continually builds their sense of conviction through contact with the visible things of GOD shared by other believers.  They apprehend that they are now in new relationship with GOD, and themselves actually begin to regularly discern the presence of sacred Spirit and Divine Person.  Like the mature believer, the convert goes on to establish balance, certainty, consistency and depth of understanding by examining their own spiritual insights from personal experience against the “Yes or No” standards of shared belief (e.g., the holy writings, the law of GOD, both fulfilled and unfilled divine promise, sacred prophecy, the facts of the Gospel, and the testimony of Jesus).

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word.  So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me:  for I trust in thy word.  And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments.  So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever.  And I will walk at liberty:  for I seek thy precepts.  (Psalm 119:  41-45, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  On Properly Setting Our Sights (03/29/2012); Unconditional Love (03/28/2012); Faith Establishes Law (03/10/2012); GOD Was Sorry? (02/28/2012); Grace and Life (01/07/2011); Mercy is Just? (12/17/2010)

     We are correct to feel “awed;” however, be encouraged as you consider the following:

     There are many points of understanding that should be carefully fitted together when talking about divine Judgment, and the revealed character of GOD.  Many acknowledge the teaching that GOD proclaimed himself before the man Moses as a GOD who is visible through judgment, is merciful and righteous, yet is decisive and uncompromising.  Law is a standing aspect of being, contact, and continued existence within the universe of GOD.  The rejection of divine law that supplies definitions, limits and restraints upon the will of created beings and living creatures was first apprehended among the holy angels through Satan (whom some call Eblis and Lucifer).  It was argued then that holy beings require no law, and that law is arbitrary, insulting, petty, and unnecessary.  Such an attitude or position is called “sin”, and fosters the removal of all law.  More than this, sin opposes the existence of all that obey the law, of all that is lawfully created, and of the eternal existence of Divine Person.

     Unlike “compassion,” a manifesting of acceptance, feeling and holy love, “mercy” is a rubric of lawful judgment.  Just as without judgment there can be no “not guilty” verdict, mercy does not exist apart from judgment.  Through mercy a believer may receive correction, forbearance, and forgiveness, however, one does not “escape” judgment, and may still receive punishment tempered by mercy.

     The weighing of ones thoughts and actions are important in divine judgment.  However, more correctly understood, divine judgment focuses upon the presence of holy person that resides within created beings and living creatures as sacred substance (e.g., faith, holiness, humility, truth, wisdom, wrath against sin) made visible through attitude, behavior, conduct, and utterance.

     There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, many confuse “mercy” with “grace.”  Grace is not absent from judgment, because “grace” and “divine prerogative” are the peculiar substance of GOD directing all of divine revelation.  So to speak, all living processes of GOD (Creation, judgment, Salvation) display GOD operating upon objects in existence, and having existence and origin independent of all that exists.  Where GOD has contact with the living, what men call “grace” is not so much reward and payment for service to GOD as the divine nature made known to the living through unmerited kindness and goodwill.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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