Tuesday, November 5, 2013

(11/05/2013) Relating to GOD?

Focus, today, is upon salvation as a matter of relationship with GOD through Jesus Christ, rather than by believing special creeds, doctrines, and teachings.  Also, there is more on rejecting clergy who deny salvation to others.  A “Yahoo! Answers Canada” writer using the ID “Devante Davis” (Level 1 with 281 points, a member since July 29, 2013) posted the following originally asked on Yahoo Answers United States:

Is it true that if i dont believe in god enough, i will still go to hell- as if i am a sinner,?

Is it true that if i dont believe in god enough, i will still go to hell- as if i am a sinner. My family are christians and i dont know if i believe or not, honestly.

Additional Details

(NOTE: im adding more details to talk to you guys, just edit your answer to talk back) If i get saved, will i have to not sin forever? Like what if i sin....will i be unsaved?
Im editing this to ask that you guys to Please follow me, because i rarely get answered questions on here...and sometimes im alone, and i think about christianity and other things and would just like to be heard. Thanks much :)

THE BATTLE AXE:  Denying Baptism to Others (11/04/2013)—  (5.)  Choosing to leave ones church, and choosing to remove members of the clergy should be understood as choices to alter divine order; therefore, these are choices that may not be made frivolously or with presumption.  There first should be careful deliberation, consulting of the Scriptures, and much prayer.  Final decisions must be made with an eye to cementing and preserving unity.  For many, participation in the church of Jesus Christ goes forward by commitment to a community of believers (we say, assembly, congregation, household of faith).  Ones church home should be carefully chosen on the basis of such factors as mutual respect, openness of communication, trust, and availability of support from others experiencing the new life relationship with Christ.  As a newly received member of the group, a believer has a peculiar dependence upon those who may provide guidance and insight into their desired spiritual growth, such as the clergy, yet, not exclusive to the clergy.  All members are supplied by GOD, and are called to encourage, protect, rejoice, share with, serve and teach one another.  Just as the pastor must minister to the flock, the congregation is to minister to the pastor.  This is particularly so, when the clergy depart from the standard revealed in Jesus.  To properly address the spectrum of both social and spiritual issues that will come against the church family, clergy must have the full support of one another, and the lay membership.  As if one person, the full church body must meet challenges that range from anxieties about donations and gifts to concerns about racism and sexuality.  The clergy must be armed and shielded with the balance, compassion, and prudence of Christ that resides within committed, stable believers.  See 1st Timothy 5:  1-3, Philippians 2:  1-3 and 1st Peter 5:  2-4, King James Version.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you:  and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:  And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.  (Jeremiah 3:  14-15, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Sacrificial Relationships (10/23/2013); Relationship by Unselfish Giving? (10/24/2013); A Relationship not Just Knowledge? (06/25/2013); Lost Without GOD? (06/26/2013); The Church as a Bride? (05/15/2013); How Do I Repent? (05/16/2013); Believing Everything? (11/23/2012); How To Have Conviction (11/24/2012)

“Devante Davis”, here are a few points many Christian believers have found useful in continuing to build up their knowledge and understanding of divinity:

(1.)   GOD is a spirit being; and for carnal persons (those in bodies of flesh and bone) the process of correctly dealing with, knowing, and serving GOD is one of correctly discerning (we say, perceiving, recognizing) the spirit content of persons, situations, and things that appear as having existence.

(2.)  Apart from the holy writings and language used by those in regular fellowship as believers, there is no single, clear and precise way to speak of GOD.  (For example, GOD is not a cloud, a fog, a mist, smoke, vapor, or any material and physical object.)  Our human process is to “personify” GOD, and to speak of the Almighty as though he is another created being or living creature.  This also permits us to speak of GOD as capable of intimate relationships.  In the Scriptures, believers speak of GOD using language from social realities of family and marriage as if GOD can be a husband, or a father to those living in the earth.

(3.)  GOD reveals himself—that is, shows himself to be active and present—through various sacred events that display divine intent, cosmic purpose, and sacred substance.  Included are birth, death, forbearance, forgiveness, healing, judgment, love, rebirth, resurrection, and sanctification.  Becoming aware of GOD, and conforming to the truth of Divine Being is a gradual process accomplished through the Holy Spirit, that results in permanent change, and total transformation of awareness and self-will in created beings and living creatures.

There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually understood.  (For example, (4.)  Sin opposes the continued existence of GOD, of divine law, of divine Creation, and of all the patterns and principles that maintain and uphold life.  The living are to experience GOD as the fundamental awareness of being and existence, and acknowledge GOD through humility, maturity and respect.  Through the operations of GOD in baptism (we say, rebirth from divine DNA), believers in Jesus Christ receive the same spirit content that is the make-up of GOD.  Included are faith, holiness, longsuffering, truthfulness, wisdom and wrath against sin.  Once born again, believers must grow and mature by meeting various life challenges in order to be in the most full and correct relationship to the Creator.)  I trust this fragment will be useful.  Even so, be it unto you according to your faith.  The time of our Savior’s coming is nearer than before.  Grow in grace.

Washington, DC

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