Thursday, March 21, 2013

(03/21/2013) Eat His Body, Drink His Blood

A writer’s reaction to the mystery of the Lord’s Supper as “cannibalism” comes into view, today, along with more on how Christian believers understand resurrection. A “Yahoo! Answers” writer using ID “Just” (Level 1 with 93 points, a member since March 20, 2013) posted the following:

Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood? It sounds totally grotesque, doesn’t it?

Why would al all-powerful God want you to do something that, in any other context, sounds like a disgusting, cannibalistic, satanic ritual?

THE BATTLE AXE: Magical Resurrection? (03/20/2013)—Christian belief requires a higher level of faith and trust in GOD than anything else in human experience. In addition to the truth of Incarnation (i.e., the appearance of GOD in human flesh), and an eternal relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, believers must embrace the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Anointed One sent from GOD. Resurrection pertains to the full revelation of divinity inarguably describing the absolute power of GOD over Creation, judgment, and eternal life. The many human achievements through the man-made world system (the interrelated mechanisms for exchange of resources and survival that include education, money, language, and science), in fact, are exciting responses and impressive technology for many of the classic situations surrounding birth and death. However, what mankind has accomplished remains void of the divine spark of life, and the divine spirit. The holy writings remain the most accurate and complete source for information explaining the fulfillment of mortality, the state of the dead, and the final conclusion of the ongoing transformation of mankind. At no point is there “magic”; and humanity’s best is merely biochemical trial-and-error through such practices as cloning, cryogenics, in-vitro fertilization, the manipulation of genes, and the human management of physical reproduction. One gains certainty of spiritual truth through spiritual practice that includes personal prayer (presenting ones “secret” self to GOD by actions and words); by study of sacred records detailing the action, character and person of GOD; by regular association with those having developed faith and mature identity as believers in the revealed truth from GOD; and by continuous response to the imparted, indwelling Spirit from GOD that resides within oneself.

THE GOLDEN ARROW: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. (1st Corinthians 11: 23-29, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: The Children, not the Dogs (03/17/2013); Why Jesus Must Be A Jew (03/18/2013); How To Have Conviction (11/24/2012); A Text for Lives Today? (11/25/2012); The Gospel not Logical? (09/16/2012); Unwelcome Gifts? (09/17/2012); Purity of Heart (03/06/2012); Binder 21: Dead Indeed Unto Sin (10/18/2011); “Subtle” (02/21/2011); Normal? (02/22/2011); Free To Eat? (12/23/2010); Proving Truth? (12/24/2010)

Be encouraged, Just. This might help some readers understand:

There are so many spiritual answers a person must receive to completely and correctly be in agreement with the various operations of GOD among, on behalf of, and through mankind, that mature Christian believers are usually forced to declare as do the Scriptures, “you must be born again.” Once born again from divine DNA (so to speak), a believer must “grow up again.” There is a continuous process of learning, practice, and growth that dispels spiritual confusion, and provides correct appreciation of the things from GOD. Maturity does not happen in an instance.

The mystery (special knowledge) of the Lord’s Supper is not understandable to those outside the body of Christ. Coming into the community of believers, a person must acquire a totally new consciousness that is not dominated by “the flesh” (appetite such as hunger, thirst, craving for sexual activity; sensation such as hearing, seeing, tasting, touching; aspects of mind such as desire, fantasy, imagination, recall), or by “sin” that directs the self-will of created beings and living creatures to oppose the existence of divine law, Divine Person, and all the Creation of GOD. 
GOD is totally a spirit, has no material form, yet, continues as being and eternal presence endowed with power, purpose and sovereignty. The “makeup” of GOD is sanctified substance that exists exclusively within the Divine Person (such as faith, holiness, joy, longsuffering, love, righteousness, truth, wisdom, and wrath against sin). Through breath and spirit (also called “word”), GOD resides within chosen objects that he has put forth from himself.

As Creator, GOD has established many living creatures that operate through carnal, material, physical and social dimensions. For the created to “know” GOD, the Almighty must respond to aspects of their awareness and being, and speak to them in their own language, so to speak. Flesh and spirit must interact within a protected sphere, that allows oneness without also demanding sameness.

There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, through the Lord’s Supper, Jesus Christ is further acknowledged as the appearance of GOD in human flesh. It is a straight forward and common sense notion that, by eating and drinking we may ingest and internalize Christ, and that divinity will be increased, nourished, and strengthened within all who partake. Like baptism and being reborn, Holy Communion is more than a human event that emerges from self-will. The spiritual reality that must occur is by the operation and power of GOD. The emblems of bread and wine are transformed to establish holy presence and divine substance.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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