Saturday, March 16, 2013

(03/16/2013) On Producing Atheists

The increase of atheism from reading the Bible, and more on titles and respect among Christians are topics, today. The “Yahoo! Answers” writer using ID “Edward” (Level 2 with 976 points, a member since February 13, 2013) posted the following:

Will reading the Bible produce more atheists than it does followers – will there be a turning point?

Many atheists have cited the ridiculous claims made in the Bible as one of the reasons not to belief in the Christian, or any god. That Christian claims for divinity are man-made, having man’s Bronge-aged thinking stamped all over it.

THE BATTLE AXE: On Titles and Respect (03/15/2013)—The holy spirit that must exist throughout the body of Christ is visible as cooperation not competition, diligence not fault-finding, empathy not envy, expectation not carelessness, forbearance not censure, unity not schism. Those appointed to demonstrate the displeasure and rebuke of GOD are also charged to show balance, forgiveness, humility, kindness and impartiality (see again, Luke 17: 10, 2nd Peter 2: 11 and Jude 1: 9, KJV). Special titles are bestowed upon all within the Church of Jesus Christ including names as children of GOD, heirs of GOD, peacemakers, sons of GOD, and children of Light (e.g., Luke 20: 36, Romans 8: 17 and 1st Thessalonians 5: 5, KJV). The belief that GOD is active and present through human figures is a basic truth promoting the worship of GOD as a congregational and shared act, rather than merely a matter of private and secret displays (Galatians 2: 20, Hebrews 10: 24-25, KJV). It remains, duty and responsibility often require the division of labor as well as the making of difficult choices and decisions. Those given the necessary tasks of “picking and choosing” must be anchored, mature and stable, while continuing as open to instruction and new experience from GOD. Those who seek to “lord it over” the people of GOD usually lose their place within the kingdom of GOD, for pride and self-exaltation always result in a collapse. There are no rewards for exaggerating ones authority and “playing GOD”; there are only rewards for acknowledging, humbling oneself and serving GOD. (See Job 32: 20-22, Matthew 23: 1-12, Mark 10: 43 and 2nd Corinthians 1: 21, 24, King James Version.)

THE GOLDEN ARROW: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7: 13-14, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: The Price of Humanity (12/13/2012); Remembering the Holocaust? (12/14/2012); Believing Everything? (11/23/2012); Why “Mysterious” (11/11/2012); Attending Church? (11/12/2012); See With New Eyes (11/06/2012); Does GOD Feel? (10/05/2012); About Conversion (09/03/2012); By Grace (09/04/2012); Repelled by the Bible (08/13/2012); Jealous, Not Crazy (08/10/2012); The Divine Tool of Death (08/11/2012); The Need For GOD (01/31/2012); Feelings and Liberty (02/01/2012); Girdle 33: The Nearness Of GOD (12/18/2011); Girdle 34: The Life Was The Light (12/19/2011); (08/13/2011) Dispatch 5: Weapons (Vengeance); Girdle 28: Grounded In Love ( 12/13/2011)

Many have wanted to examine and look into the things from GOD for mankind, and have failed to rightly grasp the realities of spirit and non-matter that pertain to sacred belief. There are many indications that GOD would have it so (for example, Matthew 22: 14, Luke 13: 23-39, 1 Peter 1: 12 and Revelation 17: 14, KJV).

The hard truth that separates Christian believers from atheists, humanists, secularists and others is that the holy writings describe the Most High GOD as judge over the spirit content of all created beings and living creatures. The revelation of divinity proceeds through a record of priesthood, covenant, and continuous judgment against sin. The GOD who proclaimed his name to Moses, and “explained” the peculiar vision of his Person, is a god of unavoidable, nonnegotiable judgment (Exodus 34: 6-8, KJV).

Like popularity, pride in ones good looks and wealth, pride in ones intelligence does not fit a person to understand the things of GOD. Only substance from within divine person establishes ones capability for understanding of the Scriptures. Included are faith, holiness, humility, joy, righteousness, wisdom and wrath against sin.

There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, only spiritual operations through the imparted, indwelling Spirit of GOD such as rebirth, repentance and sanctification produce Christian believers. Atheists will abound through ignorance, spiritual confusion, separation from GOD, self-promotion, and operations of self-will in mankind that oppose the existence of divine law, Divine Person, and the full Creation of GOD—what mature Christians call “sin”.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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