Wednesday, October 24, 2012

(10/24/2012) Escape from Racism

      Topics today include racism, salvation and systems of truth. Also, there is more on love in Christ. The “Yahoo! Answers” writer, using the ID “Leveret” (Level 1 with 85 points, a member since October 23, 2012) posted the following:

How to become less racist?

I’m like one of the most racist people. And I hate it. I always catch myself making racist jokes and comments. But the worst thing is, I think it too. I’ve always lived in a sheltered small town. Really just full of rednecks. When I was 4 we went to visit family in Denver, and I asked my mom why that man was so dirty. She told me about this, and he shook his head and said “Sheltered white girl”. I don’t remember, but my extremely racist family jokes about it all the time. All my friends are like this, and so is my whole family. My dad, grandpa, uncles, and my boyfriend all think that America was better off segregated. Hell, my boyfriend has a giant rebel flag hanging on his wall. And my cousin has KKK wicked small tattooed on his lower abs. He’s not in the KKK, so idrk why he has that, but it’s just the meaning. And my mom has a tshirt that says “White America”. I love my family and boyfriend with all my heart, but I can’t help but feel almost brain washed. Everytime I see a colored person, I get nervous and walk with my head down. Then with eveyr other race I just think about it. I feel mostly racist against colored people. And I want to stop. I’ve been trying to cut down on racist comments, but it’s really just how I think. How can I become more open minded? Thank you.

THE BATTLE AXE: Love in Christ (10/23/2012)—It is love to desire life, and right relationship with GOD for others as well as for oneself. Thus, by accepting accountability, obeying, and thoroughly performing the duty he was given Jesus demonstrated three of the highest expressions of love. As a living purpose, love shapes existence and is expressed as a goal to add value for, or unselfishly benefit another. Saying this a different way, love generates being, and life. Love often requires one set aside their own pleasure, and self-will to carry out and perform the will of another. Believers seek to apply the example of Jesus in all their relationships. This includes marriage, parenting, friendship, workplace behavior and fellowship in the church. Having the shared work of spreading his gospel, the followers of Jesus replace complaining, criticism, hostility and insults with encouragement, giving, and help to accomplish the mission.

THE GOLDEN ARROW: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6: 7-10, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: Still the “Chosen”? (03/19/2012); GOD Does Exist (03/20/2012); The First Jews (02/20/2012); Upon This Rock (02/21/2012); The Cause Of Unrest (01/30/2012); The Need For GOD (01/31/2012); Dr. King (Poem 1) 08/27/2011; Lip Service? (03/01/2011); To Give a Life? (03/02/2011); Mankind’s World? (11/20/2010); For Our Sins? (11/21/2010)

     Thanks for your question; here’s what I may share at this time:

     For many mature Christian believers, the challenge to escape from racism is understood as the challenge to escape from “the world.” The major systems that determine our life values (and what we believe to be true/false, real/unreal, right/wrong, good/bad) include the flesh, the world, the Devil, and GOD. As we learn and grow from childhood, we come under the influence of all these systems; and, for many, life is a mix of beliefs, practices and standards generated by these four. Salvation and escape from the world through Jesus Christ involves allowing a Spirit sent from GOD to establish spiritual change that develops and is expressed by growth and learning.

      The flesh dominates action and thought as appetite (e.g., hunger, thirst, sexual cravings), sensation (e.g., hearing, seeing, tasting, touching), and mind (e.g., dreams, fantasy, imagination, recall). The world (e.g., culture, family, peers, society) dominates through such elements as shared education, fashion, history, language, names for things, and trade. The earth is believed created of GOD, however, the world is created by mankind to exchange and share resources for survival. By the Devil is understood all those created beings and living creatures in the earth realm that come under the influence of sin, that exalt self-will, and that oppose or resist the will of GOD. Included may be angels, animals and human beings.
     Where men and women come under the influence of GOD their awareness is transformed to continually address divine will. In addition to discernment (ability to correctly recognize the spirit content of accounts, events, experiences and messages) believers gradually gain certainty, confidence and a broad set of specific convictions, desires, duties, and expectations (i.e., hope) spoken of as an inheritance.
      There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, the substance of racism is anger, distrust, fear and hate, while the substance of fidelity, love and respect is always the Spirit of GOD. The duty to love carries one beyond the usual feelings of attraction, romance and self-interest. Giving, helping, sharing and unselfishness become “natural” and “normal”. Benefit to others, consideration, kindness and godly humility make “old” situations and relationships have “newness”. This is why Christian believers are called “born again”, “reborn” and “new creatures in Christ”.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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