Saturday, December 7, 2013

(12/07/2013) Fruits From a Barren Tree?

Today, there is more on the account of Jesus cursing a barren fruit tree.

THE BATTLE AXE:  The Barren Tree? (12/06/2013)—Examining the earthly ministry of Jesus, the incident of the fig tree may be seen as no different from that of his first miracle performed during the wedding at Cana of Galilee (see John 2:  1-11, KJV), the Savior stilling the tempest as he crossed the Sea of Galilee with his disciples (Mark 4:  36-41, KJV), or the exorcism for a young boy at the request of his father following the Savior’s transfiguration (Mark 9:  14-30, KJV).  Jesus exercised divine authority to alter elemental substance and material reality.  The natural world (we say, nature) that serves as the environment and habitation for mankind continually displays patterns and regularities that emerge through mechanical processes, that appear to created beings and living creatures as a form of divine law (we say, the carnal mind).  Yet, nature is generated and endures through direct operations of sovereign will (we say, the law of GOD).  Thus, it is properly the work of science to declare the chemical makeup and process of mankind by its research upon DNA; however, science must acknowledge that human makeup is more than simply a collection of chemicals.  There are fixed limits to science that do not allow its address to the aspects of humanity we call being, life, person and spirit.  Going further, what mankind calls a “miracle,” is not, in fact, a lawless or random occurrence.  Miracles are sacred events, and therefore, display operations of divine will consistent with such divine utterances as commands, proclamations, promises, and prophecies. While all miracles are by changes and shifts of faith, all faith does not arise by miracles.  Jesus used the incident of cursing the fig tree to further instruct his disciples regarding faith and prayer.  However, the incident also serves as a parable that depicts the wrath of GOD against sin, the swiftness and completeness of final judgment, and the righteousness of GOD in judgment despite the removal of compassion, longsuffering and mercy.  See Romans 8:  5-8, Isaiah 34:  1-5, Luke 8:  25 and Mark 11:  20-26, KJV; also Job 15:  30-34, NIV.

There is far more to be said, reasonably shared, and spiritually understood.  The existence of believers around the world, and a full gospel that is to be proclaimed in the earth are continuing evidence for divine intent that the whole earth be alive, fruitful, filled with divine light, and free of every curse.  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

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