Wednesday, December 11, 2013

(12/11/2013) Asked to Help?

Today, the duty of believers, divine love, and sharing are topics.  Also, there is more on judgment and whether believers can have complete happiness while justice demands the damnation of others.  The writer at “Yahoo! Answers India” using the ID “deepak57” (Level 7 with 29,216 points, a member since 10 April 2006) posted the following:

If God asks you to help your brother, will you help him, even with money ?

THE BATTLE AXE:  Can Someone Be Happy? (12/10/2013)—Yes, there are many things that will be the exclusive privilege of GOD.  However, where the good news of divine love demonstrated by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is correctly accepted and consistently put to work as a believer’s primary understanding, a person receives freedom, hope, and strength.  All confusion, doubt, fear, and guilt can be cast out through the joint operations of GOD and the believer.  Even so, as the rappers say, You can deal with this, or you can deal with that….  Every time a trapeze artist goes up under the Big Top, he may concentrate on falling or missing the bar; or he can concentrate on what he has perfected through practice.  Every time the lion tamer enters the cage, he may concentrate on being ripped apart by the fury and terror of the beasts, or he may concentrate on completing a thoroughly rehearsed routine.  Similarly, it is a choice that must be made voluntarily by every believer to focus upon the myriad of benefits and sacred possibilities, or to continue to be filled with the cares and worries that come by the animal aspects of human existence.  Many feel it is more noble to commit themselves to a desperate concentration upon family and loved ones than to become a full time worker for their inclusion within the coming kingdom.  Rather than spread the Gospel after preparation through fellowship, prayer, and study, instead, they attack all divine provisions for death, rebirth, and sanctification.  Righteous judgment does not always mean condemnation, and verdicts of “guilty as charged.”  There also is mercy, and proclamations of “not guilty” and even of “time served.”  Realizing the power of divine love in ones own experience through the ministries of Jesus Christ does require change, growth, learning, and submission to GOD, for the rebirth is properly understood as the revelation of GOD to all Creation.  (See Isaiah 65:  13-25, Romans 6:  3-5, 2nd Corinthians 5:  1-10, Colossians 3:  1-15 and Revelation 3:  17-19, KJV.)

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbour’s service without wages, and giveth him not for his work;  That saith, I will build me a wide house and large chambers, and cutteth him out windows; and it is cieled with cedar, and painted with vermilion.  Shalt thou reign, because thou closest thyself in cedar? did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him?  He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him:  was not this to know me? saith the Lord.  (Jeremiah 22:  13-16, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  The Rich in Divine Relationship? (11/29/2013); We Are Still Sinning? (11/30/2013); The Head Not the Tail? (10/21/2013); Stronger Tests for the Strong? (10/22/2013); On Seeing Jesus Serve the Poor (12/03/2012); Hero or Zero? (12/04/2012); Prosperity Destroys Fools (09/25/2012); Life and Death (09/26/2012)

“deepak57”, may I share some thoughts.  Money is often needed, yet, is the least important thing.  In pride, many insist upon their having entitlement and rights to the belongings of others.  Many respond to giving with anger, hostility, and resentment.  Here are a few points carefully considered among Christian believers:

(1.)  GOD is a being whose content and makeup is pure spirit substance.  Included are such inseparable endowments as faith, holiness, humility, longsuffering, love, truth, wisdom, and wrath against sin.  GOD is incarnate (has a body, dimension, or form), performs actions, and is known to be present through material objects that include created beings and living creatures. 

(2.)  Through Creation, GOD displays divine process, feeling, intellect, person, presence, sacred purpose, and consecrated will.   Despite that human awareness and language do not allow a perfect understanding to things that are totally spirit in nature and substance, and that, therefore, our communication is always imperfect, mankind does have developed methods and expressions that allow us to have some shared understandings.

(3.)  Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, men and women in the earth receive a revelation of divine love, whereby we learn that “helping” and being in relationship as brothers is also a process of making divinity and Spirit present, and visible.  For this reason, believers in the Gospel often must serve and share as those who are themselves in poverty, and forced to operate with financial limitations; yet, who possess spiritual gifts and understandings that are described as riches and wealth.  Human history has shown that, where we continue with a narrow focus generated by our animal aspects and the flesh, helping and solving problems become corrupted.  Help in time of trouble becomes simply a matter of barter, buying and selling, exploitation, lending, and giving away money, and so promotes betrayal, conflict, crime, destruction, selfishness, and war. 

There is far more to be said, reasonably shared, and spiritually understood.  (For example, (4.)  It is not how little or much we possess; it is how much we enjoy what we possess; and the key to enjoying more is that we share what we have.  Thus, as humans, our compassion is most freely expressed when acknowledged and welcomed through gratitude and respect.  However, to love (we say, to add value) is to provide benefit without obligation and demands for payment—even the simple courtesy of a “thank you.”  Too often, human efforts to love by giving unselfishly become distracted and side-tracked, for our fleshly aspect repeatedly seeks validation by covenants of acceptance, cooperation, truth and trust as conditions for our continuing to help.  By contrast, what we do anchored and rooted in divine love allows both giver and receiver to be in full freedom, and, thereby, has enduring value to all.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.  A ransom has been paid for you; you are counted as having infinite worth.  Jesus is coming.

Washington, DC

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