Today, reply is made to errors contrasting divine and human judgment. As the offspring of Adam, the son of GOD, the living all are under condemnation by divine law, and must endure a condition of mortality (being subject to death) until released by GOD through the adoption, judgment, redemption, resurrection, or salvation provided through the merit belonging to Jesus Christ. Since death came by the disobedience of one man, justification, salvation, and glorification are provided through one, Jesus Christ, the Son of man and Son of GOD. A fighter at “Yahoo! Answers” who uses the ID “Anonymous” (no profile information appears) posted the following:
Christians, if people go to Hell for sinning, how come not everybody's going to Hell?
I believe it should be all about merit--not about what you want. Our judicial system does not reward bad behavior in letting the rapist and murderer go free after attending parole hearings if the crime is too inhumane and severe. You can't do terrible things and then enjoy a life of peace and tranquility especially when you made other people's lives a living hell, including the families of those victims. That's not right.
How would you feel if a man who killed your child not only gets out on bail, but then gets put inside a mansion and the rest of his life to enjoy while a child is dead and he's still alive, never to get what he deserves?
I believe it should be about merit because it falls in line with fairness. And if you take away fairness, you take away justice. The laws on this Earth have to abide by MERIT, not by the offender s DESIRE. And, if we really wanted God, we wouldn't have sinned against Him. How can you want Him and you sinning? Jesus even said that if you loved Him, you'd keep His commandments. That's like me cheating, stealing from and beating my spouse and then saying I love them. What is that?
THE GOLDEN ARROW: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2: 8-10, King James Version, KJV)
THE DOUBLE DAGGER: On Law and Sin (06/07/2017); Only GOD Is Good? (05/03/2017); The Work of Forgiving (11/23/2016); The Practice of Forgiveness (07/03/2016); Hell and The Cross? (04/10/2016); To Forgive is Divine? (04/06/2016); Not Through Human Will? (01/29/2016); If You Are Sent…? (06/08/2013); Scriptures and Sayings? (06/09/2013)
“Anonymous”, you seem to be confusing the judgment by mankind through human devices and law with the eternal processes of GOD to reveal divinity. Judgment by the Creator will display otherwise unseen aspects of GOD such as grace, mercy, ownership, person within the GODhead, active presence, divine prerogative, righteousness, sovereign will, wisdom, and wrath against sin. In the judgment of GOD, the elements of attitudes, behavior, and speech come into view primarily as indicators of ones spirit content imparted from the makeup of Deity. Included should be inseparable aspects of our Maker: balance, faith, holiness, hope, joy, longsuffering, lovingkindness, peace, and eternal purpose.
In the sacred process to transform mankind to be an immortal, incorruptible companion of divinity, forgiveness establishes a foundation, and calls forth gratitude, meekness, respect, and reverence. It is correct to speak of divine forgiveness as “blessing” and a “free gift”, however, acknowledgment and multiple responses are required from the sinner on whom forgiveness is bestowed. There must be permanent change, rebirth, repentance, willingness to acquire sacred knowledge and maintain sacred practices (we say, sacraments) as well as a commitment to regularly communicate with GOD through praise, prayer, and acts of unselfish service. What you speak of as “merit” may be the acknowledgement by others that divinity has been at work within the one who once was a sinner. As a “born again” believer, they are a new creation in Jesus Christ. Acts of faith, trust, and “good works” now describe their lifestyle and daily routine as that of a believer.
Of course there is far more to be said, carefully considered, and fully embraced. (For example, the objectives of divine judgment are not those found where only “legalism” appears—to determine condemnation, guilt, and punishment. Sacred operations will be completed to affirm oneness without sameness among believers and for the spirit substance of each created being and living creature. The legitimacy will be determined for those claiming place as offspring of GOD and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ; and there will be a careful and complete examination of their spirit substance using the accounts recorded within the Book of Life. Also, there will be the assessment of accomplishments and deeds for reward.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.
Washington, DC

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